Bellevue Library to Host "Seuss-athon" Reading Marathon on March 2nd

  • 1 March 2017
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 7008
Bellevue Library to Host "Seuss-athon" Reading Marathon on March 2nd
The 14th annual Seuss-athon reading marathon will be held at the Bellevue Public Library on Thursday, March 2, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Persons of all ages are invited to share their love of reading by taking part in this event that celebrates the life and works of children's author Dr. Seuss. Come and go anytime during the day at your convenience. Along with having a chance to snuggle up and read your favorite Seuss classics, there will be freebies, door prizes and refreshments. Mayor Rita Sanders and Police Chief Mark Elbert are among the scheduled guest readers and the Library will be well decorated for the occasion. If you have never been to the Library for a Seuss-athon stop by and check it out!
Categories: Announcements
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