Bellevue Fire Department Reports Upgrade in Fire Protection Ranking

  • 8 February 2018
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5774
Bellevue Fire Department Reports Upgrade in Fire Protection Ranking

Bellevue Fire Department Chief Perry Guido is pleased to report improvements in the City of Bellevue’s Insurance Services Office (ISO) ratings. After a recent Public Protection Classification (PPC) survey the analysis reported fire protection improvements resulting in an ISO rating from a “3” to a “2”. The ISO rating scale is from 10-1. With “1” being the best. The Fire Department also reported that rural areas outside of the City limits that are serviced by the Bellevue Fire Department through the Eastern Sarpy Fire District saw their ISO ranking improve from a “5” to a “4”.

Chief Guido says that these improved rankings are due in part to the, “comprehensive show of improvements in many areas of the fire department including; staffing, training and response times.”

ISO is the leading supplier of data and analytics for the property and casualty insurance industry. Most insurers use ISO ratings for underwriting and calculating premiums for residential, commercial and industrial properties. ISO ratings are important to both fire departments and communities. For fire departments, the ISO rating serves as a valuable benchmark used when budgeting and planning fire protection improvements. For community businesses and citizens, the improved rating could result in lower insurance premiums. Businesses and citizens should contact their insurance providers to advise agents about Bellevue’s new rating improvements and that the improved rating will be effective May 1, 2018. 

Categories: Announcements
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