Bellevue City Council Passes Resolution Regarding the Prevention of COVID-19 in the Community

All Residents are Strongly Urged to Take Necessary Actions to Help Slow the Spread of the Virus

  • 3 December 2020
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 5106
Bellevue City Council Passes Resolution Regarding the Prevention of COVID-19 in the Community

The City of Bellevue and the Bellevue City Council recognize that the City has seen an increase in COVID-19 spread and positive cases over the course of the pandemic and is cognizant of the strain on our hospital systems and providers due to the increasing amount of cases in our area and throughout the region. With that in mind, the Bellevue City Council has passed a resolution strongly urging all citizens and visitors to our community to wear appropriate face coverings and additionally, urging all business owners and establishments located in the City of Bellevue to require face coverings within their respective establishments.


The complete resolution can be found on the City of Bellevue’s website or by clicking here. Some of the highlights of this resolution include:


  • The City of Bellevue and Bellevue City Council urge all citizens and those within our community to wear a face covering, even if the establishment you enter does not require face coverings to be worn
  • The City of Bellevue and Bellevue City Council urge all citizens and those within our community to practice safe social distancing of at least 6 feet to help slow the spread of COVID-19
  • The City of Bellevue and Bellevue City Council urge all citizens and those within our community to practice good hygiene and to wash and sanitize their hands many times throughout the day
  • The City of Bellevue and Bellevue City Council urge all citizens and those within our community to wear face coverings in your own homes or residences when those from outside the household are present within the home


The City of Bellevue has provided signage for businesses and organizations to download from the City’s website and post at your place of business or anyplace that the public may visit.


Bellevue Mayor Rusty Hike and the Bellevue City Council strongly urge everyone within our community to take all necessary steps to help slow the spread of COVID-19!

Documents to download

Categories: Announcements
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