Bellevue Bond Ratings Remain High

Bellevue's bond rating will remain at one of the highest ratings from S & P Global

  • 17 September 2024
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 1339
Bellevue Bond Ratings Remain High

S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'AA+' long-term rating to Bellevue, Neb.'s approximately $30 million series 2024 tax-supported municipal improvement bonds (“Bellevue Waterpark Bonds”). At the same time, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AA+' long-term rating on the city's existing public safety department tax, general obligation (GO), and certificate of participation (COP) debt outstanding. The outlook is stable.

In the published report, S&P Global recognized that the city has a history of positive operating performance and tax base growth, debt restraint and a manageable per capita debt burden. The report also noted that the city has a history of debt restraint, manageable per capita debt burden and that its exposure to pension and other postemployment benefit liabilities is limited.

Categories: Announcements
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