25th Street to be Closed between Lynnwood Drive & Towne Centre Drive for Bridge Replacement

Closure to Begin on Monday, November 11th and is Scheduled to Last through May 2020

  • 4 November 2019
  • Author: Phil Davidson
  • Number of views: 10542
25th Street to be Closed between Lynnwood Drive & Towne Centre Drive for Bridge Replacement

The Bellevue Public Works Department has announced that 25th Street between Lynnwood Drive and Towne Centre Drive will close to traffic beginning Monday, November 11, 2019.  The road is being closed to allow for replacement of the existing bridge over Whitted Creek.  A detour route will be posted utilizing Lynnwood Drive, Scarborough Drive and Towne Centre Drive.

25th Street is scheduled to reopen to traffic in mid-May 2020 in order to provide an alternate route during the 36th Street widening project, which is anticipated to begin in spring of 2020.

Categories: Announcements
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