American Heroes Park
Parking, football/soccer fields, paths & trails
Baldwin Field
Parking, restrooms, 3 baseball fields, shelter, concessions
Hastings Banner Park
Parking, ball fields, playground, splash pad, restroom, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails
College Heights Park
Ball fields, basketball, playground, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails, soccer fields
Copper Creek Park
Playground, shelter, path and trails.
Everett Park
Parking, ball fields, playground, splash pad, restrooms, tennis courts, basketball, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails, soccer fields
Faulkland Park
Parking, playground, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails
Gemini Park
Parking, playground, picnic area
Gilbert Park
Parking, restrooms, basketball, playground, picnic area, shelter, swimming pool, wading pool
Gilder Park
Parking, ball fields, playground, picnic area, shelter
Golden Hills Park
Ball fields, basketball, playground, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails
Goldenrod Park
Parking, playground, tennis courts, picnic area
Haworth Park
Parking, restrooms, ball fields, tennis courts, shelter, paths & trails, soccer fields, concessions,
Starting in Spring 2021, Winsor Cove Camping & Recreation in Haworth Park will be a private campground open to the public for seasonal and day-to-day campsite rentals. For more information please visit the Winsor Cove website at or call 402-933-3717.
Heber Park
Playground, picnic area, shelter
Jewell Park
Dog Park, mountain bike trails, parking, restrooms, basketball, playground, picnic area, shelter, paths & trails
Lakewood Villages Park
Playground, walking path, pavilion, picnic tables, tennis courts, basketball courts, restroom, sand volleyball court
Looking Glass II Park
Splash Pad, restrooms, path and trails
McCann Park
Parking, Ball fields, basketball, playground, tennis courts
North Field College Heights
Sorenson Park
Parking, Restrooms, Basketball, Play Ground, Tennis Courts, Picnic Area
Stonecroft Park
Parking, Playground, Tennis Courts, Restrooms, Paths and Trails
Sun Valley Park
Parking, Restrooms, Ball Fields, Playground, Tennis Courts, Picnic Area, Paths and Trails and .
Swanson Park
Parking, Ball Fields, Playground, Picnic Area, Shelter, Paths and Trails,
Thompson Park
Basketball, Playground, Pickleball Courts, Picnic Area, Shelter and Ball Field.
Twin Ridge II Park
Parking, Ball Fields, Playground, Picnic Area, Shelter and Basketball Court
Two Springs Park
Ball Fields, Playground, Picnic Area, Shelter
Washington Park
Parking, Restrooms, Basketball, Playground, Picnic Area, Shelter
Willow Springs Park
Playground, Paths and Trails